Joan Graff (District X)
Sally Crabtree (Jacaranda Circle)
Donna Berger (GCS)
Phyllis Gidley (GCS)
The Garden Club of Stuart
Organized in 1936 - Federated in 1937
How to Join the Garden Club of Stuart

Affiliate Organizations
Mission Statement: "National Garden Clubs, Inc. provides education, resources and national networking opportunities for it's members to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility."
Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc.
Mission Statement: "Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. promotes the love of gardening, floral and landscape design, and civic and environmental responsibility by providing education resources and networking opportunities for our members, youth and the community."
Deep South Garden Clubs, Inc. web site features Information on and projects of Federated Garden Clubs in the States of: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee who comprise the Deep South Region and are members of National Garden Clubs Inc.
District X Florida Federation of Garden Clubs
Provides information for and about the clubs and circles in District X. We are part of District X, one of twelve districts in the FFGC.
Gardening Information Resources
Martin County Extension Office
Audubon Resource for Bird-Friendly Native Plants
The Million Pollinator Garden Challenge
All About Gardening: 51 Plants Native to Florida: Trees, Flowers, and Shrubs.
Pinders Nursery located in Palm City, FL. provides information on herbs and vegetables, to garden and potted designs.
Yard Doc has a 'Plant Questions & Answers' page that encompasses information on specific plants, how weather affects the plants, pruning, etc.